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OPS Licentiateship applicants must be over the age of 18 years on the date of the relevant assessment. A Licentiateship application must consist of ten images in electronic format. Optionally, an eleventh image may be used to illustrate the layout plan for a ten-image panel, and should have dimensions comparable with the other images. However, the aspect ration may vary as required. Where no layout image is submitted, the files will be viewed as a sequence in ascending numerical filename order. The files may be transferred to the Society in one of the following ways:

  • Files uploaded using our dedicated file upload facility (accessible only when logged in to the website); or
  • Files sent as email attachments to our Distinctions Office. To limit the size of email messages, each image may have to be attached to a separate message.

All Licentiateship applicants must submit to the Society a completed on-line Distinction Application Form. No statement of objectives is required.

The images submitted may be of any subject or subjects. Ten images of a similar nature, perhaps ten landscapes, can make an excellent panel. It is also possible to incorporate more than one category of image in a single panel or sequence, although candidates are advised to limit their submission to two or three subjects to maximize the cohesion of their panel. For example, a panel might consist of five landscapes and five portraits, or perhaps three landscapes, three portraits and four natural history images. Images of ten quite different subjects would be acceptable only if the overall panel demonstrated sufficient cohesion. All ten images can of course also fall within one category.

Images can be colour, monochrome, duotone etc, and the different media can also be mixed within a single panel - perhaps five colour images and five monochrome images. However in these circumstances applicants should consider carefully how the panel should be displayed and whether it exhibits sufficient cohesion.

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