
When a wedding service or ceremony has finished, and the immediate post-wedding greetings and photographs are completed, the newly-wed couple typically depart in a stylish vehicle for the venue of the wedding breakfast or reception. This departure, although only on a relatively short journey, is often something of an occasion in itself. Happy family members and guests throng around the vehicle, and may use the occasion to throw confetti at the bride and groom. The couple then enter the vehicle and are driven away to the next venue.

This short period of time offers a number of photographic opportunities.The couple relax as the tension of the marriage ceremony disperses, and the atmosphere becomes more casual. There are chances for good candid images as guests congratulate the couple and hugs and kisses are exchanged. Good wide-angle shots may be possible because many of the elements of the wedding day come together in one place for the first time.The couple are surrounded by their family and guests beside a vehicle parked outside the church or venue. It is therefore worth seeking an opportunity to capture all this in a single image. If this is possible, the picture will tell a delightful story.

Once the couple are in the vehicle there will be an opportunity to take the traditional shot of them seated and ready to depart. The best way to do this depends to a large extent upon the nature of the vehicle. Darkened windows and front-seat head rests in modern cars can be a nuisance, but pictures can still be obtained through an open rear door or window. The picture is perhaps best taken from the bride's side, so ask the groom to lean towards the camera to some extent. This reduces the depth of the image and makes the required depth of field easier to achieve.The windows behind the couple may be very bright so it is necessary to expose for the faces rather than the whole scene. Care should also be taken with the view beyond the background windows of the car. Other guests may attempt to photograph the couple from the far side, and may even fire flashguns through the windows. Ensure that the couple remain focused on your camera. When the car is parked in a street, it may be necessary to wait for a quiet moment when no other vehicles are passing.

As the car pulls away, the guests will probably wave and the couple may wave back. However, if prompted by the photographer, the bride and groom can be photographed looking back through the read window of the vehicle. A polarizing filter can be used to reduce reflections on the glass.