
Speeches are a significant part of traditional wedding breakfasts or receptions. Those who give the speeches are normally fairly central figures within the wedded families, and the speakers rarely forgo the opportunity to raise a few laughs at the expense of others - usually the bride or groom. Although the light level may be relatively low, the potential subjects are more or less stationary so photography is not too difficult. A reasonably long focal length zoom lens is essential to get close-up shots without disturbing the speech-making.

Another approach is to photograph the whole top table, behind which the bride and groom and their immediate families are seated, using a very wide-angle lens or even a fish-eye lens. Pictures taken in this way capture quite a bit of the environment and hence help to convey the atmosphere of the occasion. Using a longer focal-length lens it is also worth trying to capture the bride and groom and the speaker in a single image. The expressions of the couple, and of the other guests, to the comments and jokes of the speaker are often very revealing. Fleeting but knowing glances between bride and groom are another potentially fertile area. Finally, be sure to capture the moment when a toast is made to the happy couple.