
It is very important to remember that a club consists of its members - not just a committee that writes rules and makes decisions. Members are soon discouraged if they perceive the formation of inner circles and cliques.

A regular and open review process is a useful way to collect the views of members regarding the direction in which a club is progressing. Everyone should be encouraged to give their view of actual or potential problems, and suggest improvements and new ideas. These suggestions should be collated and made available to everyone as part of a process of deciding how the structure or organization of a club might be changed and improved. The review process can also be used to gauge whether initially declared objectives are being achieved and, if not, what might be done to achieve them.

Subscriptions paid by members must be used in a totally transparent manner, and the way in which they are used should be part of a regular review process. It is inevitable that not all members will agree to every detail of expenditure, but a healthy financial atmosphere is created when everyone can see that money is spent in a way that is approved by the majority of the membership. In many cases, quite a bit of the financial resources of a club may be expended on meeting rooms and other related commitments. If finances allow, club exhibitions, websites, day trips and other activities may also be planned.

The most important part of a review process is of course not the collection of information, but the way in which it is used to improve the club. Each review cycle should consequently consider whether or not the information and recommendations arising from the previous review have been implemented in a constructive and open-minded fashion. There is absolutely no point in collecting the views of the members and then ignoring their input.