
The Open Photographic Society publishes its own books on subjects related to photography. The imprint is identified by the familiar OPS logo used on this website.

Opportunities to publish photographic books are very limited, and it is almost impossible to interest the mainstream publishers in collections of high-quality personal images. However, the OPS publishing programme offers a way forward for photographers wishing to not only showcase a collection of their work but also preserve their images for future generations. Copies of OPS books are filed with all the UK Legal Deposit libraries, including the British Library.

Publishing photographic material under the banner of the OPS imprint gives the work additional credibility. However, potential authors should be aware that books of the type published by OPS are unlikely to sell in large quantities. The books are perhaps best regarded as a way of establishing a formal collection of work rather than a means of making money.

A list of OPS books can be seen under the appropriate menu. Copies may be ordered by emailing OPS Admin.