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Open Photographic Society (OPS) books are designed using print-on-demand services. Most of the design and layout work can be done either by the author or by the Society. However, when done by the Society, all the required images and text must be supplied by the author. The Society will make an appropriate charge for time and work invested in designing and laying out an author's work. These charges will be kept to a minimum in accordance with the Society's non-profit-making constitution, but must reflect the real costs involved. Each accepted proposal will therefore be assessed individually, and a price agreed before the project begins.

Authors who wish to do the work themselves, but also use the Society's logo in their books, must seek the Society's approval, pay the relevant fee and donate a copy of their printed book to the Society. Their books may then be listed on the Society's website. Note that the use of the Society's logo in books, or elsewhere, is permitted only with the express written permission of the Society. Photographic books published elsewhere will not automatically be featured on the Society's website unless they are viewed by the Society as exceptional or of particular interest to a wide range of photographers. A selection of interesting and relevant photographic books will nevertheless be highlighted on the Society's website.

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