
Images can be sharpened to some extent by using the various sharpening techniques available in Photoshop. The most commonly used of these facilities is the Unsharp Mask filter. This will bring out additional detail in most images, and should at least be used as the final stage of an image editing process. However, all sharpening processes should be used in moderation. If over used, sharpening may result in unsightly halos around objects in an image.

Other sharpening options include, Sharpen, Sharpen more, Sharpen edges and Smart sharpen. Each of these produces a somewhat different effect and must be used with caution. The Unsharp mask filter incorporates elements of each of these other filters and is therefore arguably the most useful technique. The key to success is to use the filters in moderation, observe the results carefully in the preview window and be vigilant for evidence of edge effects arising from over sharpening.