Boudoir tips
Image by kind permission of Barrie Spence of Entropic Tendencies

Talk with models before a shoot and make sure they understand the importance of unmarked skin. Ask them to wear loose clothing on the day of the shoot to avoid marks caused by straps and elastic which can take hours to fade - at least in areas of the body they intend to expose. Depilation should be done a number of days before the photography to allow any inflammation or redness to subside fully.

Advise models to bring a range of good-quality lingerie covering the sort of shots they are seeking. The items worn should be new, or nearly new, but should have been tried on at least once to make sure that they fit comfortably and correctly. If the model plans to wear stockings, spare pairs are essential. Also suggest that they bring several pairs of shoes including some high heels.

Accessories owned by the model are often used because they are of personal choice and hence appropriate. However, it is worth having some spare items available at the studio or location. Furs, stoles, necklaces, hats, fans etc are all potentially useful.

Props should be in first-class condition, and certainly not faded or damaged. A range of darker-coloured backgrounds should also be conveniently available, but white sheets are the best choice for beds. They reflect a lot of light and look appropriate as a background for exposed skin.