
At some time in the future it may be that three-dimensional holographic images will be transmitted directly into our homes, and we will see events taking place in our own living rooms. By then, the special effects that we currently admire and enjoy in movies will look very dated. It is not possible to do this at present. Indeed we are nowhere near having the technology to transmit holographic images into homes. Satellites, antenna, and every aspect of current communications technology will have to change and develop before three-dimensional images can be broadcast. However, it is very likely to happen.

Holography is currently used in a wide range of applications, but more uses will surely be found in the future. Current uses include:testing items such as automobile engines, aircraft tyres and artificial bones and joints. The type of holography used for such applications is known as interferometry, and the resulting hologram is called an interferogram; 

Example hologram
Image by kind permission of Frank de Freitas