
The Open Photographic Society (OPS) respects the copyright of all photographers' images and never knowingly publishes or uses any image unless appropriate permission has been obtained. To do otherwise would be to fly in the face of our own basic objectives of encouraging excellence in photography and supporting photographers worldwide.

Copyright symbolThe Society's website incorporates thousands of pages and images. Published images have six main sources:

OPS does not use any commercially-obtained licensed images as it cannot afford to do so.

Should anyone find an image on our website that appears to have been used improperly, please contact the Society with the appropriate details. We undertake to investigate the matter with some urgency, and will immediately remove the offending image while the matter is resolved.

Unjustified claims for the improper use of images and/or violation of copyright are unfortunately becoming more frequent, and in some cases arise from unscrupulous or predatory sources. Such unjustified claims take time and effort to resolve and may expose The Society to unnecessary and disproportionate legal and other expenses. For this reason the Society reserves the right, at its own discretion, to charge token fees for investigating unjustified claims. Such fees are usually, but not exclusively, based upon 10% of the amount of the relevant unjustified claim.